Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
It is said that two brothers named "Qasim Baba" and "Ali Baba" lived in an ancient city in Persia. When their father died, "Qasim Baba" married the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and when this merchant died, "Qasim" inherited his money. "Ali Baba " married a woman named "Morgana", who was very poor, but at the same time very skilled. "Ali Baba" earned his living collecting timber in the forest.

Ali Baba's discovery of the cave

Ali Baba's discovery of the cave
  • One day, while "Ali Baba" was carrying his timber to take to the city, he heard the sound of horses' hooves, and saw forty horsemen approaching. The sight of the men frightened "Ali Baba", and he quickly hid in the bushes. As the men got closer, "Ali Baba" saw that their horses were laden with riches. They took their horses to the front of a large rock, and their commander shouted, "Open Sesame!"
  • Suddenly appeared in the rock a wide door leading to a cave. The forty thieves went inside, and the door closed behind them. "Ali Baba" was amazed at what he saw. Soon after, the door opened again, and the men left in the same direction they had come from.
  • When "Ali Baba" made sure the men were leaving, he approached the rock and repeated the words: "Open Sesame!"

Ali Baba finds treasures

Ali Baba finds treasures

  • The door appeared, and "Ali" entered the door. He found himself in a huge room filled with beautiful carpets, silk rolls, piles of gold and jewels. "Ali Baba" packed as much gold coins as he could and returned to his wife.

  • "Ali Baba" borrowed a scale from his brother to weigh gold. His sister-in-law was curious, so she wanted to know what "Ali Baba" would weigh, so she covered the scale with a layer of wax. When "Ali Baba" put the balance back, I found a coin glued to it. She told her husband that "Ali Baba" was now rich, and showed him the gold coin.

  • "Qasim Baba" went to talk to his brother, "Ali Baba" told him everything that happened to him at the big rock, and "Qasim Baba" went to the cave alone, and repeated: "Open Sesame!"

Qasim Baba is locked in the cave

Qasim Baba is locked in the cave
  • The wide door opened,"Qasim" was stunned by all the riches he had seen in front of him. He spent a lot of time there, collecting everything he could from this treasure. The door had been closed behind him, and "Qasim" shouted at the door , "Open bam bam!"
  • The door remained closed, "Qasim Baba" forgot his password. He started saying a lot of other words, but the door didn't move. "Qasim Baba" locked inside. The next day, the forty thieves returned, and found "Qasim Baba" there. they Get rid of him quickly.
  • "Alibaba" doubted what had happened. He buried his brother and returned to the cave to take more bags of gold.

Thieves are following Ali Baba's house

Thieves are following Ali Baba's house
  • The thieves began to notice that some of their gold had disappeared, so their commander went to the city to find out if anyone had died soon. If so, who is he? And when the thieves find out, they will find out the partner of the deceased man.
  • Soon after, the leader of the robbers learned about "Qasim", and was able to reach the door of "Ali Baba". He marked the door with white chalk and returned to the cave to tell the thieves everything he had learned.
  • Alibaba's wife saw the chalk mark on the door and felt threatened. she took a piece of white chalk and marked all the other doors in the city. That night, forty thieves returned to the city, determined to kill "Ali Baba". But when they found that all the doors were marked with white chalk, they became very confused.
  • The next day, the leader returned, and again managed to reach Baba's door. He was keen to remember him this time, then returned to the cave, and the forty thieves prepared large jars to hide inside. They filled one of these jars with mustard seeds, while the thirty-nine thieves hid in the other jars. The leader carried these jars on mules and led them into the city, claiming to be an oil merchant. He arrived at Ali Baba's house, knocked on him, begging him to be allowed in, and given a room to sleep that night.

Morgana discovers the thieves' trick and gets rid of them

Morgana discovers the thieves' trick and gets rid of them
  • "Ali Baba" took the man inside and put the jars with the animals behind the house. While they were having dinner with Morgana, Morgana went behind the house to get some oil.
  • As she approached the tractor, she heard a voice asking, "Is it time?"
  • "Morgana" quickly realized what had happened, and replied in a hoarse voice, "It's not time yet."
  • She hurried from one jar to another, repeating the message and closing the jars so that the men could not escape Before pouring boiling water into the every jar . "Morgana" then returned to the kitchen, poured some poison into a glass of wine, and presented it to the leader of the thieves who drank it and immediately fell to the ground.
  • "Ali Baba" was angry with his wife, but she pulled out the leader's cloak, showing "Ali Baba" the dagger he had hidden to kill him with. She also told him about the thirty-nine thieves locked in jars outside.
Morgana reveals the trick of the thieves to Ali baba
  • Ali Baba kissed his wife, and thank God that he gave him a wise wife like her. And they lived together happily, secretly taking from the great wealth that is still hidden in the cave.

علي بابا و الأربعين حرامي قاسم بابا مرجاانه


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