King "Ahmose I" The Conqueror Of The Hyksos

King "Ahmose I" ( Hyksos Repellent )

King Ahmose I ( Hyksos Repellent )  Trust Past

Hyksos tribes

Hyksos tribes Trust Past

  • The name of the Hyksos comes mainly from the Egyptian word "Haqqaw Khasut" which means foreign kings or kings of the mountainous countries as this name was transmitted and modified until they became called "Hyksos" a name given to them by the Egyptian historian "Maniton", and translated by some to mean shepherd kings.

  • The Hyksos are actually a mixture of several peoples and tribes, including the Semitic element, where the Hyksos entered Egypt from the east coming from Palestine and Syria, and it is not believed that they came to Egypt as invaders at first or that they had a special army, they began to settle in Egypt from the era of the twelfth dynasty, and they may have fled their country to escape the drought or under the pressure of the Indo-European peoples, but the Hyksos took advantage of the weakness of the Egyptian state to seize the The city of Memphis and therefore throne of Egypt, and took the city of Auris is the capital of them.

  • The Semitic elements initially infiltrated Egypt in small numbers and at intervals, during the rule of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Dynasties. 

  • It is possible that the kings of the Thirteenth Dynasty succeeded in limiting the advance of the Hyksos for a long time in the Delta.

The period of the Hyksos rule of Egypt

The period of the Hyksos rule of Egypt Trust Past
  • But only at the end of this dynasty could the Hyksos start advancing again and they won victory easily due to several factors, the most important of which were the state of chaos and turmoil that the Egyptian people were experiencing, the weakness of the Egyptian army, and the possession by the Hyksos of advanced weapons that the Egyptians knew nothing about, such as war wheels, and skill in using horses.
  • The Hyksos are actually a mixture of several peoples and tribes, including the Semitic element, where the Hyksos entered Egypt from the east coming from Palestine and Syria, and it is not believed that they came to Egypt as invaders at first or that they had a special army, they began to settle in Egypt from the era of the twelfth dynasty, and they may have fled their country to escape the drought or under the pressure of the Indo-European peoples, but the Hyksos took advantage of the weakness of the Egyptian state to seize the The city of Memphis and therefore throne of Egypt and took the city of Auris is the capital of them.

Memphis city Trust Past

  • Indeed, it was a great shock, as the Egyptians could not believe that their greatest and most ancient cities and the source of their civilization, which they have always made a pilgrimage to, and which they have made the patron of their arts, is the center of worship of the god "Ptah", the patron of art and artists, how can they believe that the flower of their cities was swept by the Hyksosian epidemic and that these savages have desecrated its holy land.
  • Therefore the strength of the Egyptians was lost and they could not continue the struggle they did not have a sword or a horse and here the Hyksos seized power with an iron hand and imposed tribute on the areas they subjugated but the frog could not jump over a certain limit.

  • The Hyksos continued to oppress the Egyptians and started destroying the temples of the gods.

The beginning of the resistance

King Seqenen Ra Trust Past

  • There in the region of "Wast" came out a family that was able to confront the Hyksos The first of these kings was King "Seqnen-Ra" And his wife Queen "Iyah-hotep" She is the one who instilled in her son the spirit of continuing jihad after the murder of his father "Sqenen Ra" one of the immortal queens who struggled with her husband  She struggled with his sons Kames and Ahmose. And also Queen "Titi Shri" She is the mother of "Seqnen-Ra" who was from the heart of the people, that is, she was not a royal dynasty, and she instilled in her son the spirit of heroism and sacrifice, and she was the heroine of the mother of a hero and the grandmother of the hero of "King Ahmose".

Queen Iyah Hotep Trust Past

  • (Wast is an ancient Egyptian word meaning scepter, which is the ancient Egyptian name for Thebes).

  • King "Seqen-Ra" was preparing the armies for the Hyksos war and his wife Queen "Iyah Hotep" would come down to the common people and urge them to resist and join the army and motivate them to retake Memphis from the Hyksos and expel them out of the country.

kING Abu Fais Trust Past

  • The beginning of the war of liberation was at the hands of "Saqnun Ra", the king of Thebes, one of the kings of the seventeenth dynasty, and "Abu Fais" the Hyksosian king And the Hyksosian king was always harassing "Sqnen Ra" and wanting to humiliate him
  • But Seqnen Ra hastened to prepare to fight the usurping occupier and declared war on the Hyksos fought them with the help of the people in their struggle.
  • "Seqen-Ra" kept fighting the Hyksos until he fell as a martyr on the battlefield.
  • After his death, his son "Kames" carried the banner and fought them and captured the cities between the Ashmoneans and Atfih.
  • But the priests conspired with the King of the Hyksos against "Kames" and put poison in his drink, so "Kames" died And take over the king "Ahmose" the reins.

The betrayal of King Kamos

King Kames Trust Past

  • King "Ahmose I" was able to chase the Hyksos Despite the young age of nineteen years to expel the Hyksos from Egypt, despite the killing of his father "Seqnen Ra" and his older brother "Kames" in the wars of liberation, but he developed and modernized the Egyptian army and better trained and introduced Horse-drawn war wheels in the Egyptian army which is one of the sources of superiority of the Hyksos over the Egyptians.

Ahmose bin Abana Trust Past

  • Not only did Ahmose I expel the Hyksos from Egypt, but he tracked them down with the commander of his naval army, "Ahmose bin Abana" in Palestine in order to secure their non-return, so they held a sit-in in "Sharohin" south of Gaza, so he besieged them there, and the siege lasted three years until they surrendered and surrendered and the remnants of the Hyksos fled to the north.

King Ahmose I Trust Past

Ahmos destroys the Hyksos forever

  • The credit for making this hero is due to his mother, "Ayah Hotep", who did not despair despite the death of her husband and her eldest son, and motivated her young son to fight and expel the Hyksos and provided him with moral support until he achieved the desired purpose as well, his wife Nefertari, who always pushed him towards the necessity of liberating Egypt from the invaders.

Queen Ahmos Nefertari Trust Past

  • King "Ahmose I" was the new liberator of Egypt, the unifier of Egypt after a long rupture, the maker of Egypt's military glory and the founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty, who inspired his successors to establish a vast Egyptian empire in the ancient Near East as one of the most important lessons learned from the Hyksos occupation of Egypt, which was the defense of Egypt on a non-Egyptian land belonging to the Egyptian empire.

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