"Alexander III" was born in Pella, Macedonia, in 356BC for "King Philip II" and Queen "Olympia" Daughter of King "Neoptelemus".
The prince and his sister were brought up at the Royal Court of Bella, and throughout his youth Alexander did not see his father much, as his father was busy most of his time with military campaigns and his sexual relations.
"Alexander" received his early education under the tutelage of "Leonidas" The ruler of Epirus Who was appointed by King "Philip" to teach his son mathematics, horsemanship and archery with the teacher "Lysimachus".
At the age of 12, "Alexander" showed great courage by taming the wild horse "Bucephalus" ( a huge wild horse ) to become his companion in his battles all his life.
In 343 BC King "Philip II" appointed the philosopher Aristotle to teach Alexander at the Nymph Temple in Meza So Aristotle worked for three years teaching Alexander and some of his friends the sciences of philosophy, poetry, theater, science and politics.
Alexander takes over the reign
And when Alexander was only 16 years old, his father went to fight for the Byzantine Empire, leaving him in charge of Macedonia.
And Alexander proved it in 338 BC.He commanded his cavalry in the Battle of Karone against the "Holy Theban contingent" ( An army that claimed would never be defeated ) Showing Alexander his strength and courage by his overwhelming victory over them.
The year is 336 BC.Ad, Alexander's father Philip was assassinated by his bodyguard Pausanias to take the throne of Macedonia at the age of 20 and get rid of all his rivals.
Alexander the great Macedonian warrior
Alexander appointed the general Antipater Regent, led his army to Persia through the narrow Hellespont Strait located between the Aegean Sea and the sea of Marmara, confronted the Persian and Greek troops at the Granicus River, and victory was his ally.
Then he headed south and easily captured the city of Sardis, but his Army encountered resistance in the cities of Miletus, melasa and Halicarnassus, the siege of Halicarnassus was extended, and she held out until the Persian king Darius III mobilized an army to her rescue.
The year is 333 BC.Alexander and his men faced a formidable Persian army led by King Darius III near the town of Issus in southern Turkey, and although Darius's Army outnumbered Alexander's troops in numbers, they did not have the same experience or desire to take revenge, and in seizing the great wealth of Persia, which he plundered most of it.
Alexander appointed the general Antipater Regent, led his army to Persia through the narrow Hellespont Strait located between the Aegean Sea and the sea of Marmara, confronted the Persian and Greek troops at the Granicus River, and victory was his ally.
Then he headed south and easily captured the city of Sardis, but his Army encountered resistance in the cities of Miletus, melasa and Halicarnassus, the siege of Halicarnassus was extended, and she held out until the Persian king Darius III mobilized an army to her rescue.
The year is 333 BC.Alexander faced a formidable Persian army led by King Darius III near the town of Issus in southern Turkey, and although Darius's Army outnumbered Alexander's troops in numbers, they did not have the same experience or desire for revenge, and in seizing the great wealth of Persia, which he plundered the most and when it became clear that Alexander would win in the Battle of Issus, Darius fled with the rest of his troops, leaving his wife and family.
Alexander captured the Phoenician cities of Maratus and ardus, and then captured the cities of Byblos and Sidon, refusing Darius's call for peace. He then besieged the fortified island of Soure in January 332 BC.He built a bridge to cross to the city after the Sourians prevented him from entering, and Alexander did not have a naval fleet that could enter tyre because it was surrounded by water, but in July 332 BC, Alexander mobilized a large fleet to penetrate the walls of the city of Soure with it, and when he entered it, he executed thousands of Sourians who dared to challenge him, and sold many of them slaves.
The beginning of Alexander's empire in Egypt
Alexander of Macedon arrived in Egypt in 332 BC.And it was after he refused peace from "Darius" and before he entered Egypt, he remained under siege for a fairly long time, and then he was able to enter Egypt, where the people welcomed him greatly and considered him loyal to them, and Alexander of Macedon in Egypt founded the city of Alexandria, which still bears his name to this day.
After conquering Egypt, Alexander faced Darius and his huge forces at Gaugamela in October 331 BC.After fierce battles and heavy losses for both sides, Darius fled and was assassinated by his troops, and it was said that Alexander was saddened when he found Darius's body and ordered him to be buried in a royal ceremony.
Having finally got rid of Darius, Alexander declared himself king of Persia, but another Persian commander named "bessus"-it is said that he himself killed Darius - claimed to be king of Persia, and Alexander could not allow this.
After a long chase, the troops of bessus handed over their king to Ptolemy, Alexander's intimate friend, and he was executed after being tortured. By getting bessus out of the way, Alexander gained complete control of Persia.
After the Persians became in the grip of Alexander, he wanted to compose them and began to share some of their rituals and wear their clothes, but the Macedonian army was upset with Alexander the Great's attempt to change their culture, and many of them rebelled, but Alexander was firm, and replaced many Macedonian officers and soldiers with the Persians, but he retreated Later on, he restored their titles to them and hosted them at a huge reconciliation banquet.
The death of the King
Alexander was planning to conquer the Arabian Peninsula, but he died before witnessing this, even after surviving more than one battle, and died in July 323 BC. 32 years old.
Some historians say that Alexander died of malaria, or other natural causes, others believe that he died by poison, and it is said that Aristotle himself participated in his murder, and in any case he died without naming his heir, so his death was followed by a bloody struggle for control of government, and the empire he fought so hard to create collapsed.
The powers started fighting to win power and rule, but in the end the rule went to "Ptolemy" who established the Ptolemaic state in Egypt