Persians Aand Romans ( The Last Battle)

Persians Aand Romans( The Last Battle)

Persians Aand Romans( The Last Battle) Trust Past
  • In 602 AD, Khosrau II, King of the Persians, took advantage of the power struggle in the Byzantine Empire and began with his armies a comprehensive occupation of the Byzantine lands.

The Beginning Oof The Last War

Khosrau II Trust Past
  • In 608 AD, the Persian armies in Asia Minor reached Crispolis facing Constantinople The capital of the Byzantine Empire (that is, on the Asian side), and at the same time the tribes of the Avars and Slavs allied with the Persians advanced in the Balkans to encircle Constantinople from the other side (European) And the armies of these tribes also invaded the general Balkans and reached Athens The Persians expanded their possessions in the Levant and Armenia.
Persian commander Shahr Baraz Trust Past
  • In 613 their armies reached Damascus. The Persians won several battles, including a decisive battle in the Hauran plain between the cities of Bosra and Arms (today's Daraa) And another at the Dead Sea.
  • Then in the following year, 614 AD The army of the Persian commander "Shahr Baraz" marched to Elijah (Jerusalem), where the Persians besieged it for about 20 days Then forcibly entered it and made it a fire pillage.
  • In 619 AD, he advanced to Egypt, and Alexandria fell into their hands, and as a result Wheat was cut off from Constantinople and economic conditions worsened.

Roman Collapse

Heraclius, the ruler of Carthage Trust Past
  • By 622 CE, the Byzantine Empire was on the brink of collapse and the borders of the former Achaemidian Empire on all fronts were occupied by the Sassanids except parts of Anatolia, Only Athens the Mediterranean islands (Cyprus and Sicily) and a coastal strip in North Africa (Carthage) are left for the Romans.
  • The morale of the Romans collapsed, the internal conflict between them increased And the people expected the fall of their state quickly As it seemed impossible for them to resist.
  • In 622 AD (the first year of the Hijra) Heraclius The ruler of Carthage, was able to seize power in Constantinople and reorganized the army.
  • Instead of fighting the Persian armies penetrating into the territory of the empire He circumvented them and attacked them in their own home in the Persian country.
  • He allied with the Turkic Khazars, left the besieged capital of Constantinople and attacked Persia from the rear by sailing from the Black Sea Capturing Azerbaijan (Media) in 624 AD Where he destroyed the largest temple of fire Magi.

Divide And Rule

  • Meanwhile, mutual suspicion emerged between King Khosrau II and his army commander Shahrbaraz. Byzantine agents leaked fake letters to General Shahrabaraz showing that King Khosrau II was planning to execute him. General Shahrbaraz feared for his life and remained neutral during this critical period. Persia thus lost the services of one of its largest armies and one of its best generals.
  • In addition The commanders of the Sassanid army Which was under his control of the Caucasus and Anatolia Died abruptly. This tipped the balance in favor of the Byzantines, and brought King Khosrau II to a state of gloom.
Battle of Nineveh Trust Past
  • With the help of the Khazars and other Turkish forces, the Byzantine emperor Heraclius took advantage of the absence of Sassanid army commanders and won several devastating victories for the Persians 15 years after their war against the Byzantines.
  • King Heraclius' campaign culminated in the Battle of Nineveh, where King Heraclius won in December 627 without the help of the Khazars Who left him a crushing victory over the Persian army led by Rahzad This decisive battle has decided the fate of the conflict between the two parties.

Son's Betrayal

Khosrau II's son Shiroeh Trust Past
  • Shortly thereafter Khosrau II's son Shiroeh killed his father and seized the throne.
  • Heraclius marched through Iraq, where he received news of the assassination of King Khosrau II.
  • He then allied himself with the Al-Ahbash in 629 and again triumphed over the Persians and became close to the cities. It was then that Shiruet thought it best to make peace with Hercules. Byzantium recovered all the countries that had fallen to the Persians Including their possessions in the Euphrates Island, the Levant And Egypt.

The battles of Yarmouk and Qadisiyah the end of the era of the Persians and the Romans

Khalid bin Alwaleed in the battle of Yarmouk Trust Past
  • Hercules' joy, however, was short-lived. It was only a while ago and he faced the Muslim armies in 636 AD led by God's Sword ( Saif Allah "Khalid bin Al-Walid" ) in the Battle of Yarmouk And then the fate of the Levant was decided Then Egypt was also conquered by Amr bin Al-Aas And then North Africa.
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas led the Muslim army in the battle of Qadisiyah Trust Past
  • Then, during the reign of the Commander of the Faithful "Omar ibn al-Khattab" "Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas" led the Muslim army in the battle of Qadisiyah and defeated the Persians. 
  • Thus ended the era of the Persians and Romans.

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